December 2, 2009

bubble blower

Some bears wait at the top of the water fall for the fish to make that giant leap to the next level, some chase the fish and pounce, and some steal from other bears, but this fellow snorkels after his prey.

November 5, 2009

Spring Wildflowers

I love my Polar Bears and Grizzlies but photographing wildflowers is also a passion, especially when they are as beautiful as this image.

October 15, 2009

Paradise for a Bee

This charming bee is in Heaven!!!

September 16, 2009

puffin and needle fish

Imagine this mouth full for lunch.

"The Steal"

This is a Brave cub who made his snatch from two big guys fighting over the fish. Mom and sister watched and cheered as this cub made his escape. "Great going", was the comment from the photographer.

September 5, 2009

Alaska Bear

Alaska Brown Bear cub from Lake Clark National Park. August 2009

August 19, 2009

Yellow Belly Marmot

This Handsome Marmot lives in Park City Utah and has taken up residence in a rock wall next to the bank.

August 7, 2009

Grizzly Bears of Alaska

It is really cool when a Polar Bear comes close enough that you can smell his breath, fantastic chills in your spine when you swim with a baby Humpback Whale, BUT, imagine walking along a beach in Alaska when you turn to look at the view and blocking that view is a Grizzly Bear strolling along side of you about 10 feet away. Of course your socks roll up and down but then its time to photograph that fantastic animal.

May 16, 2009




April 18, 2009

April 16, 2009


Nothing like seeing one happy otter!

April 12, 2009

momma bear and cub

another hummer


Black Crown Night Herons

As a world traveler, I have photographed some amazing wildlife. But on this day, only a few miles from home in Palo Alto with airplanes looming overhead I captured these Black Crown Night Herons on their nest. Sometimes joy can be found right in our own back yard.

ano neuvo sunset

back yard hummer

March 27, 2009

judy bingman photography

Have you ever been so close to a
POLAR BEAR that you could smell his breath?
Have you ever had the opportunity to snorkel
among HUMPBACK WHALES? Has a baby
HUMPBACK WHALE come up to you and look you
straight in the eye?
Had a WOLF tug at your jacket while you were
trying to capture a great photo?
What to you do to help your camera gear to
function at -38 degrees?
How do you the photographer function
at -38 degrees?
I try to capture these moments in my images!
Judy Bingman - Photography